
A range of different therapy options


Treatment begins with an initial assessment, which consists of a consultation regarding current ailments and a subsequent function test. This initial assessment is crucial to the provision of targeted and efficient physiotherapy. Treatment is tailored to the clients’ specific needs and applied with care. The client’s capabilities and objectives are also taken into consideration, of course.

Physiotherapy is not a single specific treatment but, rather, a range of different therapy options and treatment concepts:

Bobath therapy

Bobath is a holistic, issue-focused procedure for targeted rehabilitation of people with congenital or acquired diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, strokes, tumours and polyneuropathies. The aim of the treatment is to optimise functioning, maintain day-to-day independence and preserve the best possible quality of life.

Craniosacral therapy

This is an alternative form of treatment which has its roots in osteopathy. It is a manual procedure mostly involving strokes applied to the cranium and sacrum. The aim is to activate the person’s capacity for self-healing and to support existing resources.

Indications: whiplash, trauma from falls and compression, shoulder and neck issues, back pain, headache/migraine, sleep disturbances and issues after childbirth, etc.


Cranial facial therapy is a treatment concept which is particularly concerned with conditions and functional disorders of the head, neck, face and jaw.

Instructions for an at-home programme and suitable everyday behaviour

Manual lymph drainage and compression therapy (lymphatic physiotherapy)

Lymphatic physiotherapy incorporates a range of treatments and methods for treating oedema and related conditions. Oedema is a swelling in tissue caused by tissue fluid or lymph that cannot drain properly. Oedema occurs after injuries in accidents or following surgical interventions, such as lymph node removal associated with tumour operations.

Manual Maitland and NAP (neuromuscular skeletal physiotherapy) treatments

The hands are used to apply targeted passive and/or active stimulus to joints, nerves and muscles with the aim of improving movement, providing pain relief and enhancing function.

Myofascial trigger point therapy and dry needling

Trigger points are tough knots in the muscles which cause pain in the local area that often also radiates to other parts of the body. These trigger points are treated using a specific manual method. By agreement, trigger point treatment may also involve the use of acupuncture needles, also known as ‘dry needling’.

Myofascial soft tissue therapy

This includes intensive partial massage, connective tissue treatments, stretching, etc.

Passive treatments

Packs and massages are supplementary measures for pain relief, improving circulation in the muscles and connective tissue, and relaxation.

PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)

The aim is to re-establish physiological patterns of movement and limit pathological patterns of movement. The muscle tone should normalise. Different techniques can also be used to stretch and strengthen muscles.

Sports physiotherapy

Athletes can take advantage of active, personalised training, including using barbells, following a range of sports injuries.

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